Monday, March 28, 2011

New and Emerging Technology-WEEK 4
Course Management Systems

Voice Thread Presentation

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Week 8: Course Reflection

Reflection of Game Plan:

Utilizing interactive websites has impacted students learning in the classroom. Students love using the interactive whiteboards and are able to manipulate materials with one simple click. It is also a good way to assess students through observation. I find that students are engaged in learning when using the interactive websites. Students can go on virtual field trips, play interactive games, or continue to practice skills learned in a particular content area. This course allowed me to reflect on my own personal goals while reviewing the NETS-T standards. Being able to use the standards will help me redirect my goals and set new ones.

Impact on Instructional Practice:

Since we just had interactive whiteboards installed in the classroom, using interactive websites on it has been a learning experience for everyone. Students as well as myself are new to using the white board and we learn by trial and error each day. Students like that they are actually able to manipulate the screen and write on the board using the interactive pen. I always provide the websites used in school to my students so they are able to practice them at home. It is not required, but most students end up coming in school the next day saying that they used the website at home. Most of the time, students even share new information they learned while investigating the website, which is a great learning experience.


I plan on reviewing the NETS-T standards often to remind me of the goals I have made.

Week 7: Using the GAME Plan Process with Students

The two NETS-T Standards that I focused on during this course were…

Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity- with a concentration on engaging learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments.

Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments- with a concentration on personalizing learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles by suing different digital tools.

The NETS-T Standards is a useful tool for educators and students. It is important to review these standards periodically to make new goals or adjusts your goals. It is also important to introduce these standards to students. They are easy to understand and will help students determine what areas of technology they need to focus on.

Week 6: Revising Your GAME Plan

I have learned that there are many ways that interactive websites can be brought into the classroom. There are interactive games that can reinforce skills that are learned in the classroom. Students can work independently or together using the interactive whiteboard when playing these games. Students can also use interactive websites to tour places they have never been. They can go on interactive field trips around the world and explore such places as Ellis Island or The Great Wall of China. Interactive websites can also be used as an instructional tool to instruct students on a particular topic.

My main goal is to implement the sites I have found in the classroom. Now that I have looked for interactive sites for the content areas that I teach, I now need to use them in the classroom.

One new learning goal that I will set for myself is to use more social networking sites in the classroom. Throughout the courses I have taken, I have realized the importance of communicating with peers online. In order to prepare students for the 21st century, students need to start utilizing online collaboration sites.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week 5: Evaluating your GAME Plan

As part of my GAME plan I have been evaluating interactive websites and digital tools that will assist students in the classroom. I have found several websites for my fifth grade science and social studies class and now want to focus on finding websites for my fourth grade classes.

I have learned that there are many interactive websites that can be incorporated into the classroom. As stated in my previous blog, an interactive whiteboard has been installed in every classroom. I have been exploring this new tool with my students and now want to focus my attention on developing lessons that revolve around using this new technology. At this point I am still at the trouble shooting stage of using the whiteboard and need to experiment and use my time wisely throughout the day to learn all about the whiteboard.

I will adjust my plan to focus on the interactive whiteboard. I feel that by doing this, it will beenfit my students the most.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Week 4: Monitoring Your GAME Plan Progress

In order to accomplish my goals, I have been searching for interactive websites that will enhance learning for my students. In my fifth grade science class we are studying the skeletal system. I found the following websites that will help them learn the bones of the body.

Skeletal System Websites:

I plan on implementing these websites on the interactive whiteboard as well as individual laptops.

One area that I would like to modify in my GAME plan is to add the component of communicating with parents. I would like to develop a website where I can explain each topic we are learning about. I also want to have a section where I am sharing websites that we use in class that students will be able to use at home to reinforce skills learned in class.

I have realized that there are so many digital tools out there and I need to jump on the bandwagon and start using them all in my classroom. Instead of thinking of it as a big task in the classroom, I am beginning to change my mindset as using these tools are just a part of everyday.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Week 3: Carrying out your GAME plan

One of my main goals is to explore different interactive websites and other digital tools that will assist my students in learning. Digital tools can be used with a variety of learners, whether they have a learning disability, are an English as a Second Language learner, or have gifts and talents in certain subjects areas.

In order to accomplish my goals, I need to be able to use a variety of resources. First and foremost, it is important that I collaborate with colleagues and that we share ideas with one another. As a special education co-teacher, I need to work side by side with my colleagues at all times. By taking time out of our day to work together to investigate new digital tools that would work for our students, we are collectively sharing ideas that will ultimately benefit our students. We just received new interactive whiteboards in all of our classrooms. I have been collaboratively working with other teachers to explore new interactive sites that will enhance lessons and learning.

Furthermore, I need to use various resources from the internet that will help me to use different digital tools in my classroom. I can explore different blogs and articles that explore digital options for the classroom. I can check out different websites that would be worth while to use in the classroom.

To achieve my goals, I have actively been exploring and using all of my resources. I will continue to work with colleagues and review digital tools in order to meet the needs of all learners.

Dingle, Ireland

Dingle, Ireland
My Favorite Place