Sunday, December 26, 2010

Week 8: Course Reflection

Reflection of Game Plan:

Utilizing interactive websites has impacted students learning in the classroom. Students love using the interactive whiteboards and are able to manipulate materials with one simple click. It is also a good way to assess students through observation. I find that students are engaged in learning when using the interactive websites. Students can go on virtual field trips, play interactive games, or continue to practice skills learned in a particular content area. This course allowed me to reflect on my own personal goals while reviewing the NETS-T standards. Being able to use the standards will help me redirect my goals and set new ones.

Impact on Instructional Practice:

Since we just had interactive whiteboards installed in the classroom, using interactive websites on it has been a learning experience for everyone. Students as well as myself are new to using the white board and we learn by trial and error each day. Students like that they are actually able to manipulate the screen and write on the board using the interactive pen. I always provide the websites used in school to my students so they are able to practice them at home. It is not required, but most students end up coming in school the next day saying that they used the website at home. Most of the time, students even share new information they learned while investigating the website, which is a great learning experience.


I plan on reviewing the NETS-T standards often to remind me of the goals I have made.

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