Sunday, December 26, 2010

Week 6: Revising Your GAME Plan

I have learned that there are many ways that interactive websites can be brought into the classroom. There are interactive games that can reinforce skills that are learned in the classroom. Students can work independently or together using the interactive whiteboard when playing these games. Students can also use interactive websites to tour places they have never been. They can go on interactive field trips around the world and explore such places as Ellis Island or The Great Wall of China. Interactive websites can also be used as an instructional tool to instruct students on a particular topic.

My main goal is to implement the sites I have found in the classroom. Now that I have looked for interactive sites for the content areas that I teach, I now need to use them in the classroom.

One new learning goal that I will set for myself is to use more social networking sites in the classroom. Throughout the courses I have taken, I have realized the importance of communicating with peers online. In order to prepare students for the 21st century, students need to start utilizing online collaboration sites.

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